Monday, August 18, 2008

rock, paper, scissors.

rock paper scissors_lo
Originally uploaded by paintMonkey
An interim Rule/Game Of Life.

Its a terribly dramatic thing (and slighlty obscure thing) to say; but there is something wrong with how i approach the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I don't understand how everyone else gets more wins than loses.

just thought i'd share that.


Anonymous said...


A strong wind follows the course of least resistance.

But destroys all in it's path.

The right kite is essential.

Know the correct tool according to environment...

-old Hong Kong proverb about rock, paper, scissors

(I can't see shit can you?)

(Bram Stoker was right)

(tp tp tp, plenty)

(no deal)

daren said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i saw this article just the other day - the timing of your post coincides nicely...

good luck

Pingpong Missy said...

I was going to make you suffer a tyrade of abuse but I was advised otherwise.

So, my little butterscotch treacle, my sweet lemon pie, my body aches to entwine you in passionate abandon.

Our sweet love mantra will be 'Stay Puft' and there is no Dana, only Zuul.

May beautiful tulips and lilac foxgloves shower uponst thy golden brow.

I dream of the velvet plinthe and your milky derriere.

P.S. Have you got my copy of Stefan Dennis' "Don't it make you feel good"?

P.P.S. Did you know Ray Meagher is my uncle which makes you a flaming galah

You are the keymaster. I am the gatekeeper.

Sleep well, sweet prince

Matt said...

A Hod's as good as a sink to a blind Norse.