Monday, March 16, 2009

monkey ei6: status update.

monkey ei6
Originally uploaded by paintMonkey
*Work going great. The project which i took the lead on climaxed on Friday. Everything went according to plan and the kids thoroughly loved every second of it. Now planning my next project having realised that I have effectively free reign up here. I love my job, i really do.

*had a chilled weekend with J- mostly slobbed about in underwear, eating, drinking and smoking. I'm happy we sorted ourselves out, we really are very good together.

*did yardening- been very excited about having a yarden. did weeding, tidying and planted some bulbs (faux orchids). Now planning on getting some pots, plants and getting my mother to return my space-age bbq.

*watched a few great films. the most notable being Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. Farbeit for me to compare my sedatory existence to a hollywood movie, but if anyone wanted to know what goes on between me an J and the nature of how we relate to each other, then that's the film to watch. Quite uncanny really.
But don't watch it for that reason, watch it because i say it's a great film.

* started some sketches for new series of paintings. Not sure what i'm trying to get across just yet, it's just a feeling, but I feel fired up for the first time in a while. Very aware of spring springing into life. Sketch books, camera and warped sense of reality at the ready...

*now i'm back at work, and i'm shopping. I've got a (seriously mah00sive) budget to spend and i intend to spend it all on toys, gagets and stuff.

*course and heading as standing orders.

*that, as they say, is all. As you were.

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