Wednesday, October 28, 2009

by observing the event, i changed the result of the moment.


...these last four months have been the longest period of security and calm in my personal life that i can remember.

K and i have been busy making plans for the future. We have picked a destination, and we're heading there together. I couldn't be happier with how things have turned out. More on that later as it all becomes relevant and valid. Exciting times ahead...

The photo is from a series of exploratory night shots for a project i've been wanting to have a go at for a while. The night drawing set has been induced simly by not having Photoshop to play around with. Working within my and the camera's limitations i've painted some realtime/non existent moments, I'm pleased with some of the results, but it still needs some further development. Once i'm over this fucking face/toothache and work is a little less intense, i'll get back on it... K is a brilliant helper too. Nice to have someone on board who is enthusiastic and encouraging.

that is all. as you were.


Vapourtrail said...

Lovely to read that things are going groovysmooth for you PM. Onward, upward and outward - long may it continue. :) VT

Matt said...

Yes and more huzaa to your elbo. BTW - (minor bummer alert) - you didn't invent quantumography, unless you used to go back in time and tell that other bloke all about it before he blogged it.